When I sketch in public, not many people come up to me and look to see what I'm drawing and as stated in a previous post, I suspect it's my homicidal look of concentration or shaved head that scares them away.
However, a brave lady by the name of Melissa Rangi overcame my maniacal expressions and came up to not only take a looksie but asked if she could shoot me (photographically, of course!). So this is a shout out to Melissa!!!! Thanks!!!
Thanks to Melissa we get to see you in action :) It actually is a feed to curiosity to see you sketching ...
So you take your stool with you everywhere? That's courageous...!
I like your 'deity' drawing, I wish I could draw like that...
Best regards,
Actually the Museum has a whole stack of them for this exact purpose! however, I didn't know about them until a few months in of going there on a regular basis.
Aaah! (very long exclamation) that's so interesting... "eso lo explica todo" ("that explains most everything" --> colloquial exclamation that came to my mind right after reading your answer :)
That's an expression I'm going to have to use, in context and especially out of context (helps further cultivate my quirky persona)
I'll use it tomorrow when i order a coffee. AHHHHH, "ESO LO EXPLICA TODO"!
too funny
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