I heard Mr. Warden's mantra over and over in my head as I drew and coloured this image. He was my grade 7 art teacher, who always told us never to over draw an image and know when to stop. Well, Mr. Warden, I guess I wasn't listening to you back then and I wasn't heeding your advice on this image. A bit too finicky but I throw this out into the ether known as the blogosphere.
I've drawn this cafe before, in one or my earlier sketchbook pages and I have to say I liked that one a bit better, even though it wasn't an interior image.
My grade school art teacher told me once that pretty much anyone can draw to some extent, but the mark of a great artist is knowing what to put in and what to leave out.... he would say to us that the best artists are great editors.... I always think about that when my drawings start getting too busy and finicky :)
this is a pretty decent drawing though, even if it is a little busy :)
This blogger is catching what you have thrown and I say I love all the detail! Not every drawing has to be a mere summary - I think it's great. My eyes are drawn to the man - for me, that puts all that detail to the periphery with a wonderful texture of undefined colors and shapes. Then I look over and there is so much to see! So I like it. So what if I'm wrong - I never went to art school! Love the coloring on the bricks.
This is a wonderful sketch with all that detail; but, I think I'm inclined to like the other one a little more...maybe because I'm craving some light!
mmm, very different approach...!
I'd call this one: the blues and the reds, or something like that :)
Happy Friendship Day!
It feels like forever since you've posted, but I see it is only nine days. Hope you're out sketching!!
Fantastic! You've convinced me to go draw. Your work is always very lovely.
Carolina-- thanks...red and blue, eh?!...i could see that!
Raena-- It feels like forever for me too, but reality intruded on my drawing time and I had to finish a few freelance gigs. I hate when that happens and I'm seriously considering not taking anymore graphic jobs so I could concentrate on my art...ohhh, the life of an artist...
Jessica-- thanks. Weather's getting warmer, so no excuses. ;-)
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