Friday, May 13, 2011

image and type vignettes

Not too sure about this one. I don't think it's up to par with the other ones. Any thoughts?

I'm thinking I might do a second version of this one. I really like how it turned out.

Well the start of another outdoor art show season is here and I'm scrambling to get enough work to show and hopefully sell. It'll be my first year participating in the Riverdale Art Walk show in just over three weeks. I'm excited and nervous all at the same time and since I don't want the responsibility of renting a car, I need all my art work to be small, light and compact. Hence, the continuation of this series of type and image vignettes.

You might recognize some from a previous post but I thought I'd repost them because the original uploads were really not great scans and I had an opportunity to get better ones for this time around. Hope you enjoy.


Felicity Grace said...

I can see the colours are more vibrant and clear - they look great. I think the Nitelife painting is wonderful. It's very North American especially to a European's eyes! I love the composition and the colours - I'd be surprised if this one didn't sell! I'm always so envious of your talent for combining image and lettering!

Dan Kent said...

Very clever combination of words and pictures. Keen wit! Good luck at the show!