I did this piece at the ROM a few days ago. It was after I had done a similar piece (in medium and technique only) that I thought I'd give it another go. I've been mulling over it for the last few days and still haven't decided it I really like it or not.
Any thoughts on layout technique, composition from the blogosphere would be appreciated.
Well, sorry, no real help here, just wanted to say that I love it. The subject, the colors, the bugs, the fact they're all going to the same place in an ordered way, the circle... nice!
Thanks, Carolina. I'll take it! ;-P
It's quite good of course. I'll take the composition challenge (before I go to bed): I would maybe move the circle from the middle - move it to the left third and the lower two-thirds perhaps. What I do with the bugs might depend on how they relate to the god you are portraying (which I know nothing about). But I could see them going upward in successive curves (like backslanted right parentheses) in the space to the right and above the statue, kind of like the Sydney Australia opera house. There. How's that? Now, to sleep..zzzzz.
No criticism of the drawing of course - it's great! I'd fill in more of the background so it becomes darker and frames the figure and also contrasts with the emptier space inside the circle. My eye was drawn to the white spaces at the edges somehow - the beetles that were touching the edges provided something of a frame which I like.
I just happened on your blog from some links on other artists blogs. every once in awhile I like to ck out all kinds of artist blogs...see what people are doing.. it inspires me.. but being mainly a full time sculptor now, after reading your blog which I love by the way! I really miss drawing.. I started out drawing and painting. did it for many years but always thought I was a much better sculptor than painter and I do love to sculpt.. but with the economy being what it is I may just go back to drawing more....I also have a few tablets/books I have started sketches in..but never filled them up. I never have time.. but..I may just try and do more sketching this year.. .. I never know what to draw! but after seeing your work.. ill just draw everything! lol.. I think your a very good artist! I like this new piece.. Id agree and say it needs more contrast..Id fill the background with more bugs.. maybe would have moved the blue circle and girl towards the right a bit more to balance it... I love the base she is on by the way.. and your bugs are really good! I plan on carving some bugs soon.. lol I found the carving of netsukes and fell in love wit the art.. I plan on trying it soon..I usually sculpt with wax or epoxy but I have some moose horn and wood I think Ill try doing netsukes .. ( tiny 1 to 3 inch carvings made originally to hold an Inri ( small box like container) on a kimono's belt. they have 2 small holes for the cord on their bottoms and are so detailed and intricate.. ck it out online. it's really fascinating! ) for now I mostly sculpt horses but I can draw or sculpt almost anything..I have painted ships, people and alot of different kinds of animals... but Im out of practice now.. so I just wanted to say thank you for inspiring me! Ill be cking out your blog now and then... Im not too good about keeping my updated..its something Im going to work on.. posting more on my blog... for 2010!
Rebecca Turner ~ www.solticeartstudio.blogspot.com
Wil, I received the wonderful package you sent me! Thank you so much! I am not at all disappointed and I think you sent me just what I needed to see. See my blog for what I've said about it!
Dan-- thanks for the suggestion. When I started this drawing, the placement of statute was paramount on my mind. Me being a fence sitter, I thought the middle would be the perfect place for it. After finishing this, I could see now it's a bit too neutral compositionally. Thanks again for the suggestion and I'll keep it in mind for the next "black and blue drawing"
Felicity-- always so right! thanks for THAT suggestion. I might revisit this drawing and add the bugs to the white spaces. Stay tuned.
Becky-- thanks for stopping. Always glad to be connected to another artist and if my blog inspires you to get back to an activity I love doing, then that makes me feel really great.
Raena-- glad you liked your drawing.
Hey Wil!
Wonderful sketch as always :) I second Felicity's suggestion of adding more bugs - it should fill all the space around the circle. I'd also love to see it in full color - for some reason I picture a pale green background with the statue in bright gold and everything being very shiny/glinty. I love the choice of the statue - as it looks like it has insect legs coming out of its head! hah.
This is just such an interesting drawing - with the comination of Shiva dancing in the ring of fire and the insects. I'd love to see a red and gold version, - maybe you could just scan it and Photoshop the blue to red, then print it out and add some gold. Pretty amazing just the way it is though.
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