I'm trying to cover a few price point bases for my upcoming out door show in 10 days (gulp!). I thought I'd try my hand at pen and nib again and see where it takes me. The original intent for these drawings, aside from the lower price point, was to produce them in a lesser amount of time...as it always happens, you add a fine nib point, me and a small area to draw in, I usually take longer to draw what ever image I've chosen to draw. I think I need to work on my OCD.
These ink drawings will be based purely on my whim. Don't look too deeply into any hidden meanings from them. It'll simply be an exercise into draw something I think is cool, will make an excellent composition and just drawing it really well (I hope).
Love both of these! If your work doesn't get snapped up, there's no justice in the world!
These are phenominal!!! Wish i could see them in person! I love the tree!
I really like it too. I can see why nib takes longer, I think brush is the fastest.
Felicity, thanks and I hope the citizens of Toronto are as smart as you! ;P
Genine, thanks. Still working on my technique but glad you're appreciating the ride.
Nikira, thanks. The nib is definitely something I'm more comfortable with because it gives me more control, and as a result more predictable to the outcome. The brush is so loose and there's more room for mistakes. I know I shouldn't have this mind set and I do appreciate, and welcome, the "happy mistake", but at this point of "production", I need everything that I put on paper to be a guaranteed finished piece. Sad, I know, but my show's in a week and I need to show pieces I'm proud to show and hopefully sell.
Love your work! What ink are you using for these and is it safe to assume the watercolor is added AFTER the ink?
Hi Hak,
thanks. I use a super black, water proof speedball ink.
Both the drawings are incredible! Love them both!
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