The one good thing about working at Starbucks are the people. More specifically the chance to sketch them. When I take a meal break or a "15", I'll take my position in the place i like to call the "hot seat". It's two cushioned armchairs facing each other and the person who sits across from me will be my model for the duration of my break...Up to this point all these men have agreed to pose for me. It's funny, the one woman I asked said "no". I really think my shaven head is holding me back when I ask a woman if I could sketch her.

This is done while I was waiting for aikido class in a nearby food court.
Nice work!
Thanks Scott.
Fabulous sketches! You must be really brave, I couldn't ask as then I'd feel under even more pressure to do a good drawing! Love the faces especially guy on right - you must have really nailed him because he looks the same but his eyes move. Great expressions too!
Good stuff!
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